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 MOTS-c is a small peptide that is encoded within the mitochondrial DNA of eukaryotic cells. It has been found to have potential therapeutic applications in the treatment of a variety of conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Studies have shown that MOTS-c can regulate energy metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, and exert anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. MOTS-c has also been found to protect against cellular stress and promote longevity



Benefits of MOTS-c:


  • Weight loss: Studies in animals have shown that MOTS-c can promote weight loss and reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver.

  • Improving cardiovascular health: MOTS-c has been found to improve heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Enhancing exercise performance: MOTS-c has been shown to improve endurance and increase muscle mass 

  • Improving cognitive function: MOTS-c has been found to have neuroprotective effects and may be beneficial for cognitive function and dementia.

  • Improving respiratory function: MOTS-c has been found to improve breathing and reduce the risk of respiratory failure.

  • Improving Mitochondrial Function




Possible Side Effects:

  • Hypoglycemia: MOTS-c has been found to lower blood sugar levels, which may cause low blood sugar in some individuals.

  • Gastrointestinal side effects: Some studies have reported stomach upset or diarrhea 

  • Immunosuppression: MOTS-c has been found to suppress the immune system, which may increase the risk of infection.

  • Toxicity: High doses of MOTS-c may be toxic to cells and may cause damage to the liver and kidneys.






It's important to note that these benefits are mostly from pre-clinical studies, human studies are needed to validate these findings, and more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of action and the optimal dosage and administration of MOTS-c for various indications.

It's important to note that MOTS-c is still being studied, and more research is needed to determine the full extent of potential side effects and to establish the safe dosage. As with any new therapy, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking MOTS-c or any other supplements.





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